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Accessing Value Of Inputs Within A Div In Each()

I have a bit of code that allows a user to add a new phone to a list like so const addPhone = async (phone) => { $('.phone-list').append(`

Solution 1:

You are .each()ing the elements with arrow function, which doesn't have its own bindings to the this keyword. Consider replacing it to normal function.

$(document).on('click', '#submit', async () => {
  const phoneArray = [];

  $('.phone-div').each(function() {

Solution 2:

It's probably because you're using arrow functions and this doesn't refer to the element.

Either change your arrow function to a use function keyword or use the second parameter of the each callback to get the current element in context:

$(document).on('click', '#submit', async () => {
    const phoneArray = [];
    $('.phone-div').each((index, element) => {
           type: $(element).find('.type').val(),
           detail: $(element).find('.detail').val(),

Solution 3:

I don't know what you expected using async. A "normal" function perfectly does the job.

And a fixed a couple typos in the .append()...

    <div class='phone-div'>
                <input class='type' type='text' value='${phone.type}'></input>
                <input class='detail' type='text' value='${phone.detail}'></input>

$(document).on('click', '#submit', function(){
  const phoneArray = [];

      type: $(this).find('.type').val(),
      detail: $(this).find('.detail').val(),

  // just for the demo... Since I can't know where this object comes from...var phone = {type:"cellular",detail:"1-888-555-5555"}

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