Webrtc - Video Get Blob, But It Remain Black
Solution 1:
While testing WebRTC, I found that such condition occurs when we call peerConnection.addStream(…)
in the wrong place ----
You must remember that ordering highly matters in WebRTC!
Updated at: 6:36 PM - Thursday, July 17, 2014 (UTC)
Blank video occurs in following cases:
- You're using STUN whilst your SSL certificate is either expired or it has invalid entries.
- You're using STUN however it is corporate firewall, or hospital network or private network which is blocking or hiding external ip addresses or some ports.
- Both peers has invalid sendrecv/sendonly/recvonly pairs
- Offerer didn't attach the stream or it is Firefox which fails in cases when user attached only audio stream however you're using
- You're checking for
whilst it is android which has known issues regarding these properties.
- Use TURN from XirSys or install your own.
- Make sure that you're using valid SSL certificate or use HTTP instead.
- Make sure that offerer attached the stream; also make sure that
are used according to stream(s) attached. - Make sure that you didn't modify the SDP; also try to compare SDP between both peers and find-out mismatches.
Ordering of the code is, kind of rare-issues, nowadays, because we all know that addStream
should be called before creating offer or answer; even for renegotiated sessions.
Try to use chrome://webrtc-internals
and Firefox's about:config
to see what's happening inside these browsers; and always use console-logs for onIceConnectionStateChange
event which helps you check if ICE-Agent failed
in the ICE-connectivity check process or...
Sometimes setting-remote-sdp for offerer too earlier, causes exceptions. Always use onSdpError
both for createOffer
and setLocalDescription
peer.setRemoteDescription(remoteSDP, onSdpSuccess, onSdpFailure);
A few demos resources:
and https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/docs/TURN-server-installation-guide.html
Solution 2:
I had the same issue, and I just resolved it by calling VideoElement.play() right after attaching the stream as the VideoElement.src
document.querySelector( "#video" ).src = window.URL.createObjectURL( remoteStream );
document.querySelector( "#video" ).play();
Don't wait for the loadedmetadata event because it doesn't seem to be triggered but the WebRTC stream.
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