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Javascript Function That Changes Text Color, Hyperlink Color, And Image

Hi, I need help with a class assignment. We were given an HTML file for a pretend business, 'Castaway Vacations LLC'. The first step in the assignment is to create a javascript f

Solution 1:

ok, for starters to change color of something you just need to do something like this

functionchange_color(){ = "red";  // this will change the color of the text to REDdocument.getElementById("image_to_change").src = "something.jpg"; // change img src

to use the function just add the call to the function where you want it, for example


well, its already accepted answer, but just wanted to complete it, to change the img src of, first you need to add an id for that img, for example

<tdalign="center"><imgid="image_to_change"src="orig_main.jpg"><br><i>Your Vacation Awaits!

after you added the id, you can see how i added this line to the "change_color" function

document.getElementById("image_to_change").src = "***SOURCE_TO_YOUR_IMAGE***";

* Working Code * OK, here is the working fiddle i changed a few things to make it work, first, you need to understand that when you give an "ID" to something, in this case to the img (you gave the id "rom_main.jpg") the ID is what you need to use to call that element, so when you are using

document.getElementById("orig_main.jpg").src = "rom_main.jpg";

it should go

document.getElementById("rom_main.jpg").src = "rom_main.jpg";

since you gave it the id "rom_main.jpg" in this line, and the id "orig_main.jpg" does not exist!

<tdalign="center"><imgid=**"rom_main.jpg**" src="orig_main.jpg"><br><i>Your Vacation Awaits!

also its important to note that you can put ANY id that you want, so repeating the name of the jpg file its something that i would not recommend, since it leads to confusion.

I changed the ID to something more readable and thats it. if you still need help comment below and i'll do my best to help you.

* EDIT to change color *

ok, finally i added a few lines of code to change the color of EVERY element in your page, for each onclick i adde these lines:

var list = document.getElementsByTagName("a");     
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { 
  list[i].style.color = "red";  

as you can see, i get in a list every element with the tag "a", then every element i turn it into "red" (or the color you want).

here is the working fiddle


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