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Why Doesn't Columns.render Execute When Datatable().draw() Is Called?

I'm puzzled to why columns.render is not included in the execution pipeline of DataTable().draw(). An example: HTML

Solution 1:

Instead of destroying the datatable and repopulating it I ended up modifying jquery.datatables.js version 1.10.2.

The main issue is that the line 1935 in jquery.datatables.js checks if the row is already created:

if ( aoData.nTr === null )
  _fnCreateTr(oSettings, iDataIndex);

One option to remedy this is to set aoData.nTr = null. But this might break other functionality or cause unwanted side effects so this is not an acceptable solution.

I opted to instead add an argument to the .draw() function (line 7137) and adding a setting called bForceReDraw (draw() already takes an argument so we add a second argument):

_api_register('draw()', function (resetPaging, forceReDraw) {
  returnthis.iterator( 'table', function ( settings ) {
    settings.bForceReDraw = forceReDraw === true;
      _fnReDraw(settings, resetPaging === false);
  } );
} );

Then I changed the null check on line 1935 to:

if ( aoData.nTr === null || oSettings.bForceReDraw === true )
  _fnCreateTr(oSettings, iDataIndex);

In the function _fnCreateTr() there is also a null check on nTr (line 1586) so I needed to modify that as well:

if ( row.nTr === null || oSettings.bForceReDraw === true )
  nTr = nTrIn || document.createElement('tr');

Now we simply call draw() with the new argument and everything works as expected.

$('#data').DataTable().columns.adjust().draw(false, true);

Solution 2:

Everybody has problems dynamically reloading DataTables. Consider this approach. Destroy the DataTable first to re-render.

var dataSet = [];

if ($.fn.dataTable.isDataTable('#yourTable')) {
        "destroy": true,
        "processing": true,
        "data": dataSet
} else {
        "processing": true,
        "data": dataSet

Solution 3:

I found that, contrary to .draw(), .columns.adjust().draw(); will fire the render function again. But, unfortunately, it doesn't re-render the table... (?)

The only workaround I found is to .destroy() the table, replace $('#data').html() with its original contents and start again with $('#data').DataTable({ columnDefs: colDefs });.

$(document).ready(function () {
    var table_data = $('#data').html();

    var colRender = function (data, type, row, meta) {
        var today = newDate();
        var ms = today.getMilliseconds();
        var ss = today.getSeconds();
        var mn = today.getMinutes();
        var hh = today.getHours();
        var time = ' time:' + hh + ':' + mn + ':' + ss + ':' + ms
        console.log('data+time', data + time);
        return data + time;

    var colDefs = [{
        targets: 0,
        render: colRender
        columnDefs: colDefs

    $('#refresh').click(function () {
        // $('#data').DataTable().columns.adjust().draw();// $('#data').DataTable().draw();
            columnDefs: colDefs
<scriptsrc=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script><linkhref=""rel="stylesheet"/><tableid="data"><thead><tr><th>TimeColumn</th><th>Column 2</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>123</td><td>234</td></tr><tr><td>345</td><td>456</td></tr><tr><td>567</td><td>678</td></tr></tbody></table><buttonid="refresh">Refresh</button>

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