Format Html Code In Visual Studio Code Such That Attributes Are On Separate Lines?
Solution 1:
VSCode added a way to do this now.
You can edit your settings.json
(ctrl+shift+p) and then add the following for the desired effect:
"html.format.wrapAttributes": "force-aligned"
"html.format.wrapAttributes": "force"
force-aligned will also add indents to align it with the attribute on the line where tag was opened.
Visit this link for more details or updates.
Solution 2:
My extended html was being limited by the "Prettier: Print width" setting, I thought I'd put a random value as 0, but then all the tags start breaking the attributes. So he put 10,000. This solved my problem.
Solution 3:
There are differnt "formatter" extensions, but one I found does a decent job of this exact formatting that you are looking for. It's called "vscode-tidyhtml".
- Click on the Extensions icon on the left hand side
- Search for and install "vscode-tidyhtml", reload Visual Studio Code
- Hit the "F1" key, and then type "TidyHtml", hit enter
It should format HTML so that attributes are on different lines. I am not sure if it works well for other file types.
Solution 4:
I know this is late, but I came here searching for an answer too. As @adi518 mentioned, the vscode automatic formatting for this might not be a great idea.
So, to do it where you'd like it, this extension might help:
Solution 5:
You should open the settings.json file (shift+cmd+p for mac) and click on Open Preference: Open Settings (JSON)
add the following line at the beginning of the JSON file:
"html.format.wrapAttributes": "force-aligned",
In case formatting still does not work (this is a different issue), search for HTML and add the following lines
"[html]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.formatOnPaste": true,
"editor.formatOnType": true,
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
Close and Open vscode then format by using (option+Shift+F)
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