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Structuring A Table In An Email

I Have some data listed in a console application which was fetched from an email. After I send an email with all this listed data. The problem is the data is not coming structure

Solution 1:

First, in order to pinpoint your issue, just look at the generated HTML and like that you can detect issues in your code that generated it. What you can do is first design the mail in HTML, and when it looks good write your code to implement it.

It's easier to read an HTML template that you load in your code (as an embedded resource) and use placeholders for your custom data instead of building HTML in code - because like this you separate the view (HTML) from the logic.

Note that formatting mails is a difficult task as you have to take into account various devices and mail clients. If you want them to display nicely on all of them, then you better use a framework like Zurb Ink instead of doing everything yourself - this gives you the best chance to end up with responsive emails that work on most devices and clients.

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